The Government has provided Rs. 5 crore to upgrade the National Handicrafts and Handloom Museum (Crafts Museum), said Thiru. Dayanidhi Maran, Union Minister of Textiles while inaugurating a month-long exhibition of arts and crafts titled “India Craft Journey”, here today. Also present on the occasion were Tmt. Rita Menon, Secretary (Textiles), Ms. Jaya Jaitley, Dastkari Haat Samiti and Thiru B..K Sinha Development Commissioner , Handlooms .
The Minister said that an amalgamation of crafts and textiles representing the tradition of each State, the exhibition is being organized by the National Handicrafts and Handloom Museum (Crafts Museum) in association with Dastkari Haat Samiti. Describing the exhibition as a “living folk culture” of the country, Thiru. Maran said it will highlight the map project started by the Samiti in 1994 with the intention of educating the public about the rich arts and crafts. These precious maps will be kept intact at one place so that discerning art lovers can see and understand our culture heritage, said Thiru Maran.
The Minister said that the art installations focus on aesthetically beautiful crafts procured from village markets, created at design workshops or sold at commercial outlets, and the message of the exhibition is that craft are everywhere and it is for our people to recognize their value and enrich their lives with them. The array of textures, the vibrant colours, the craft pieces of each composition, some unusual, some traditional but shown in a new context, attempt to capture the essence and richness of the local cultures of India, said Thiru. Maran.
Check complete News at "Ministry of Textiles" website
The Minister said that an amalgamation of crafts and textiles representing the tradition of each State, the exhibition is being organized by the National Handicrafts and Handloom Museum (Crafts Museum) in association with Dastkari Haat Samiti. Describing the exhibition as a “living folk culture” of the country, Thiru. Maran said it will highlight the map project started by the Samiti in 1994 with the intention of educating the public about the rich arts and crafts. These precious maps will be kept intact at one place so that discerning art lovers can see and understand our culture heritage, said Thiru Maran.
The Minister said that the art installations focus on aesthetically beautiful crafts procured from village markets, created at design workshops or sold at commercial outlets, and the message of the exhibition is that craft are everywhere and it is for our people to recognize their value and enrich their lives with them. The array of textures, the vibrant colours, the craft pieces of each composition, some unusual, some traditional but shown in a new context, attempt to capture the essence and richness of the local cultures of India, said Thiru. Maran.
Check complete News at "Ministry of Textiles" website